village sign


Unfortunately the LEPC meeting scheduled for 25th October was deemed inquorate due to a sudden and urgent personal situation that arose for one of the councillors. An extraordinary meeting was publicised and took place on 3rd November to allow discussion of most original agenda items.

After consideration UDC decided not to appeal the decision to allow up to 1,200 houses to be build on the land east of Highwood Quarry. Separately, Stop Easton Park took legal advice and came to the same decision – both deciding that the possibility of a success was too low to justify the cost. The decision to allow development has all the undertones of a political decision that would be extremely difficult and costly to reverse. We leave to residents to decide whether they wish to make their feelings known to their local MP.

The Draft Local Plan is available for comment until 15th December 4:30pm. Go to

It is not too late submit ideas for parish projects for 2024. Let the Parish Clerk or one of the councillors know your of your thoughts soon though.

The War Memorial is in a good state for Remembrance Sunday but some minor work is still necessary. This is being arranged.

It is still intended to erect a Christmas tree close to the Memorial Hall this year although the current weather is not currently conducive to the groundwork required.

Volunteers to join LEPC and a reformed Neighbourhood Planning committee are still wanted. Again contact the clerk or any councillor.

The next scheduled LEPC meeting will be held on 31st January 2024.

All enquiries to:

Ian Brown – Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

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Sunday 7th January 2024

The flooding at Bowyers Bridge (Mill End) has subsided and the road is passable by vehicles. The emergency access route through the quarry is now closed.

Be aware that there still remains serious flooding throughput the area and care should be taken, particularly on the more rural routes.

Thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience over the past three days.