village sign


At the LEPC meeting held on 27th September the chairman outlined the situation regarding the recent approval to build 1,000-1,200 houses on Land East of Highwood Quarry. Currently Stop Easton Park in conjunction with LEPC are considering whether an appeal to the High Court has grounds for success. But, the high cost of failure is well beyond the financial means of LEPC and SEP, particularly as we would be fighting a Government Minister’s decision. A view from UDC is awaited and consultations with lawyers are currently taking place but no-one should be under any misapprehension that an appeal will be forthcoming. Any appeal must be lodged by 23rd October.

Notice of the contents of the long-awaited Local Plan (Regulation 18) has been received. The good news is that for the first time in years Easton Park development is not included. However, it is not mentioned as a future country park for the district either. Everyone will be invited to comment on the contents of Reg 18 from early November for a six week period. Comments will be incorporated with UDC changes to create a Regulation 19 document to be examined by a government appointed inspector. There is a risk (albeit slight) that Easton Park may make its way back into Reg 19 so we encourage residents to submit comments in favour of Easton Park being transformed into a country park as proposed by SEP.

LEPC requests volunteers to join a reconstituted Neighbourhood Plan team to mitigate further speculative development in the parish. Please e-mail Ian Brown. Also, SEP is always looking for volunteers. Please e-mail

Finally, LEPC need suggestions from residents regarding projects they feel the village needs to accomplish in 2024. Budgeting is now well underway so, once again, send suggestions to Ian Brown.

All enquiries to:

Ian Brown – Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

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Sunday 7th January 2024

The flooding at Bowyers Bridge (Mill End) has subsided and the road is passable by vehicles. The emergency access route through the quarry is now closed.

Be aware that there still remains serious flooding throughput the area and care should be taken, particularly on the more rural routes.

Thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience over the past three days.