Councillors are keen to ensure they represent the interests and views of all residents. the primary way of doing this is by attendance at the monthly LEPC meeting or by contacting LEPC via the Parish Clerk. However, we realise there are many reasons why many residents cannot attend but we need your opinions to help us make the right decisions for the parish and how YOUR money is spent.

We would like to e-mail you with the LEPC monthly agenda, subsequent minutes and other important information we feel you need to be aware of. By doing this we can ‘push’ important information to you enabling you to decide whether to attend a forthcoming LEPC meeting or send a response expressing your views.

If you wish to receive this newsletter please sign up below.

Councillors are also interested in knowing which social media outlets residents use to access information about the parish. If you could let us know by completing the survey below we will endeavour to post regular LEPC information on the most popular ones. 

LEPC takes the protection of your privacy very seriously. We will only use your personal information to deliver the services you have requested from us, and to meet our legal responsibilities. Please read our full Privacy Policy

We would appreciate if you could please complete the Social Media Survey


Sunday 7th January 2024

The flooding at Bowyers Bridge (Mill End) has subsided and the road is passable by vehicles. The emergency access route through the quarry is now closed.

Be aware that there still remains serious flooding throughput the area and care should be taken, particularly on the more rural routes.

Thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience over the past three days.