2023 has been a mixed year of successes and disappointments for the parish. The King’s Coronation Party was the highlight of the year attended by over 150 parishioners and was so successful that it has been decided to make the party an annual summer event. Most planned projects for the year (e.g. War Memorial refurbishment, replacement benches/tables and football goal) have been completed. But bad weather in the autumn prevented us repairing the ground where the old football goal was sited as well as installing an (annual) Christmas tree. These will carry over to 2024.
Without question, the biggest disappointment was the approval of 1,200 houses on land east of Highwood Quarry and, after taking legal advice, the realisation that if we did appeal, we would be most unlikely to succeed and the cost to the parish would be a six figure sum, which could not be justified.
Turning to a current matter, to those who have complained to Highways about the pot-holes at the junction of Duck Street and the B184, thank you. LEPC and our District Councillor are well aware and on the case. But if you haven’t yet complained then please do so.
For ease go to www.essexhighways.org/tell-us.
We are still open to hear your ideas for projects for next year. Currently we have vehicle-activated speed signs on Duck Street, restitution of the recreation ground that fronts Manor Road and a revamp of the LEPC website. If you can think of contender projects please send these to the Clerk or any councillor. And we still have two councillor vacancies as well!
Last, but not least, LEPC Councillors wish every parishioner a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!