The Parish Council meeting took place tonight and very pleasingly we had good attendance with some folk even staying to the end!
LEPC has asked in these newsletters as well as other media for ideas for projects to be completed during the period 1/4/25 to 31/3/25 benefitting the parish. We have had no responses for alternate projects. Tonight we discussed the status of projects that Councillors are considering to go ahead with. No decisions have been made and although these have been mentioned before we thought we’d give residents one last chance to comment on these. We have no time to do an expensive mail-shot to the parish so we are reliant upon this newsletter, the LEPC website and the village Facebook page to disseminate these ideas for which we are currently obtaining cost quotations.
The more expensive projects (our initial estimates and not actual quotations) are listed below. For a complete list and indicative budgets see agenda item 23/170(v).
Manor Road Kerbing – the recreation ground verge runs alongside Manor Road has substantially eroded over recent years and as the ground is an LEPC asset we have a responsibility to protect it. But rather than have a grass verge we want to create a ‘pavement’ to allow people to walk safely rather than in the road.
Vehicle Activated Speed Signs – Mill End suffers particularly badly from speeding vehicles in their 30mph stretch. VAS signs displaying the current speed of a vehicle if it is exceeding 30mph may not stop habitual speeding drivers but survey after survey concludes their overall positive effectiveness in reducing speeds.
Christmas Tree – a substantial Christmas tree (15-20ft) to be erected at the recreation ground every year near to the children’s playground. Carol singing around the tree, an attraction to enhance use of the Memorial Hall and the opportunity to develop a closer community is the aim.
Infrastructure for Recreation Ground External Power – recognising the future growth of the parish in terms of housing underground cabling will power the Christmas tree lights, potential lighting around the playground and other relevant areas such as the car park where a camera would be increasingly desirable to enhance security.
The next LEPC meeting will take place on 22nd May. We still have vacant roles for co-opted councillors and encourage residents to contact the Clerk if you are interested.
Ps. Don’t forget to sign up for the Little Easton Fun Day to be held on 6th July. Sign up early so we can get an idea of the number we need to prepare for. The more that attend, the more fun!