village sign

NEWSLETTER ISSUE 15-16: 25th October 2024

Playing Field

A situation occurred during the summer where LEPC agreed to allow a nonresident in plight and running a chargeable summer camp for children, to use the playing field for one day for a notional sum. Unfortunately that largesse led to the non-resident believing the field could be made available for more occasions and thus profiting from, essentially, free use.

Unfortunately the children’s playground was also inaccessible to some local residents on that day.

Subsequently LEPC has made it clear that the playing field and playground is primarily for the use of parishioners and although we have no wish to prevent non-parishioner usage we will not allow non-parishioners to profit from using the field.

Manor Road Footpath

We previously reported the issue regarding Gigaclear fibre cables being installed in the verge fronting the playing field when the signed-off map from the previous LEPC administration had the cables running on the other side of the road. This stalled works to create the footpath until Gigaclear could review. Subsequently, Gigaclear agreed to bear all costs of repair and reinstallation.

Whilst waiting for the contractors to reschedule the work a number of people at Gigaclear have been made redundant. As an indirect consequence LEPC has not received a sufficiently worded comfort letter from an authorised employee that reflects what had been agreed verbally and in e-mails. We will continue to pursue and but work cannot be recommenced until an acceptable and legally binding assurance has been given.

Duck Street Speed Limit

After too many years, Highways have now agreed that Duck Street should be a 30mph road from the north end of the main village through to Mill End. Additionally, Park Road is to become 30mph until just beyond Little Barn. LEPC has additionally requested that all of Park Road up to the Conservation Area be made 30mph and to formally limit Manor Road to 10mph. A Highways engineer has been assigned to consider.

Digital Speed Signs

The above 30mph limit now means we have two preferred sites for the digital speed signs. A formal site survey can now take place following which an application for a Highways licence to install can be made. Once we have an installation date we’ll let you know.

Emergency Plan

The Emergency Plan (village cut off due to flooding, pandemic, etc) is currently in the process of being updated. This will be approved at November’s LEPC meeting.

Mini Swimming

A Change of Use planning application was never made in the six years that Mini Swimming has been trading at Little Barn. UDC are seeking public representations regarding the application with the consultation period ending on 28th October.


Mini Swimming have requested that we point out they were advised by UDC Planning before commencing operations that a Change of Use planning application was not necessary due, at the time, to the non-material nature of the change.

LEPC are content to do that.

Local Plan

LEPC commented on the Local Plan, being in favour primarily because Easton Park is now recognised as a potential park for the district, something LEPC and Stop Easton Park have been championing since 2017. Despite some drawbacks LEPC is broadly in favour of the plan going forward to the inspection stage.


The current website is under review and discussion are taking place with the current provider as to the work required to make it compliant with WCAG 2 accessibility requirements.

Grass Cutting

A new contractor is now cutting the grass following the previous contractor withdrawing his service without notice. The new contractor is cutting the grass shorter than before which aids the cricket club and has also generated positive comment from parishioners.


LEPC applied for a grant for a new piece of equipment – Chime Tubes. The grant was approved and the order placed. Delivery by the end of the year. We are sure the Chime Tubes will be especially appreciated by disabled people and those with severe learning difficulties.

All enquiries to:

Ian Brown – Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

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Sunday 7th January 2024

The flooding at Bowyers Bridge (Mill End) has subsided and the road is passable by vehicles. The emergency access route through the quarry is now closed.

Be aware that there still remains serious flooding throughput the area and care should be taken, particularly on the more rural routes.

Thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience over the past three days.