This Wednesday, 22nd May at 7:00pm in the Memorial Hall, the Parish Council will be holding the Annual Parish Assembly, a legal requirement which states the assembly must be held between 1st March and 1st June. The Chairman and Clerk will recap the past twelve months at this meeting.
This will be followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting (APCM) which follows a similar agenda to a normal council meeting with the addition of electing a Chairman, confirming representative responsibilities and completing/signing various annual statements. There will be the normal Public Participation Session at this meeting.
The key financial items Councillors need to agree at the APCM are the non-recurring projects for the current financial year and whether there are projects that should be added. (Although we have requested suggestions for this latter point many times since the end of last year and only three parishioners have responded.)
We will also discuss whether further progress of the Neighbourhood Plan is viable given that there are no volunteers to create a working group. Currently, UDC have been notified the Plan is ‘on ice’ but if there is no willingness to pursue then we must formalise this. Which is a huge pity as it lays the parish wide open to unwelcome further development.
Ps. Don’t forget to sign up for the FREE Little Easton Fun Day to be held on 6th July. We have 100 people who have signed up to attend so far. We know that there are more intending to come but haven’t yet indicated attendance. Please do so. It will help the organisers tremendously to ensure all can be catered for. E-mail or go to little-easton-village-street-party